Savanna food web with Decomposers

Food web in the savanna

The savanna is known by grasses, small or dispersed trees with a wide range of communities of living beings that interact with each other to form a complex food web.

The carnivores include lions, hyenas, leopards, etc. That feed on consumers (herbivores) such as impalas, castles, warthogs, etc. The producer here is grasses, plant matters, etc.

Producer: Grasses, Jackalberry tree, Acacia tree

Primary consumer/herbivore: Cows, impalas, warthogs, zebras

Secondary consumer/carnivore: Leopard, lion

Omnivore: Humans, aardvarks

Decomposer/detritivores: Bacteria, fungi, termites

Scavenger: Vultures, hyenas

Insectivore: Red-billed oxpecker

Savanna Region

Life in Savanna Region and its food chain By ProfessorX. – Own work. Uploaded by ProfessorX, Public Domain,

Deserts are usually found on the western margin of the continent between 20° and 30° N and S latitudes.

The annual rainfall is less than 25 cm.

Due to lack of rainfall and arid conditions, these areas do not possess any vegetation but have a special vegetation type called Xerophytes.

The soil is sandy and saline, the deserts are agriculturally not fit. Drought-resistant thorny shrubs and bushes, palms are found in deserts.

Tribal people gather food and practice hunting. They move frequently in search of pastures and move their temporary settlements.

Transportation is done by camels. Reptiles like snakes, lizards, scorpions are commonly found.

Oasis is fertile fresh water, found in deserts and semi-arid regions. These are fed by springs.

Dates, figs, palms, citrus fruits, maize etc are cultivated near oases.


* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.