Valencies of all 118 elements and valency chart Pdf

Valencies of all 118 elements

valency chart of all elements


The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are called Valence electrons.

From the Bohr-Bury scheme, we find the outermost shell of an atom can accommodate a maximum of 8 electrons.

Also, the atoms of the elements show little chemical activity if their outermost shell is completely filled. Also can be said that the elements combining capacity or its valency is zero.

In the inert elements, the helium atoms have two electrons in their outermost shell and all other elements have atoms with 8 electrons in their outermost shell.

The combining capacity of atoms of other elements to react or form molecules with atoms of the same or different elements were the attempts to attain a fully filled outmost shell.

An outermost shell that has 8 electrons is said to be an octet.

The atoms would attempt or react to achieve an octet in the outermost shell and this process will be done by gaining, losing, or sharing the electrons.

The losing, gaining, or sharing of electrons gives the direct combining capacity of the elements.

For example, Sodium/lithium/hydrogen atoms contain one electron each in its outermost shell so as to lose one electron. These elements are said to have a valency of One (1).

Similarly, the valency of Magnesium is 2, as it has 2 electrons in the outermost shell and aluminum is 3 as it has 3 electrons in the outermost shell.

Valency of Metals

Metals have positive valency as they have +1,+2,+3 electrons in their outermost or valance shell.

The metal having valency ‘1’ is potassium its chemical symbol is K . Potassium is an alkali metal and belongs to Group 1 of the periodic table.

Hydrogen Valency

Hydrogen its symbol is ‘H‘ has only one valence electron and can form only one bond with an atom that has an incomplete outer shell.

Helium Valency

Helium, its symbol is ‘He‘. Helium only has two electrons in its S-orbit. One Orbit can have only two electrons. As a result, its duplet is fulfilled. As a result, it has no tendency to lose or gain electrons. Due to this, its valency is zero.

Lithium Valency

Lithium, its symbol is ‘Li‘. Lithium Valency is 1. This is because the atomic number of lithium is 3 and electronic configuration = 2,1. Li (Z=3). To attain stability, Lithium needs to lose one electron. Lithium li number of valence electrons is 1.

Beryllium Valency

Beryllium, its symbol is ‘Be‘. Beryllium Valency is 2. Beryllium’s atomic number is 4. Its electronic configuration is 1s² 2s². It has two electrons in its Valence shell and when the valence shell electrons are more than 4. Then the valency = 8-n.

As its valence shell has 2 electrons present for sharing. Two electrons can be easily donated. As a result valency of Beryllium is two.

Valency of boron

Boron has 3 valence electrons and an atomic number of 5. Boron will lose 3 electrons rather than gain 5 electrons. Therefore valency of boron is 3.

Valency of Carbon

Valency of Carbon in 4. The carbon atom contains 4 electronics in its outermost shell. In order to achieve the noble gas configuration, carbon forms four covalent bonds and shares its valence electrons.

Carbon electron configuration will be 1s22s22p2

Valency of Nitrogen

Nitrogen has either 3 or 5 Valence electrons. This is because it can bond in the outer orbitals 2p and 2s.

Valency of Oxygen

The valency of oxygen is 2. This means that oxygen needs to gain or share 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Oxygen has 6 valence electrons, so it needs 2 more to fill its outer shell. It can either gain 2 electrons from another atom or share 2 electrons with another atom.

In the oxygen molecule (O2), each oxygen atom shares 2 electrons with the other atom, forming a double bond. This gives each oxygen atom a complete octet of electrons.

In other compounds, oxygen can also have a valency of -1. This is when oxygen gains 1 electron from another atom. For example, in the compound sodium oxide (Na2O), the oxygen atom gains 1 electron from each sodium atom, giving it a -1 valency.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, oxygen, which has a valency of 2, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 2, such as hydrogen (H) or nitrogen (N).

Valency of Fluorine

The valency of fluorine is 1. This means that fluorine needs to gain 1 electron to achieve a stable octet. Fluorine has 7 valence electrons, so it needs 1 more to fill its outer shell. It can only gain 1 electron from another atom, as it is the most electronegative element on the periodic table.

In the fluorine molecule (F2), each fluorine atom shares 1 electron with the other atom, forming a single bond. This gives each fluorine atom a complete octet of electrons.

In other compounds, fluorine can also have a valency of -1. This is when fluorine gains 1 electron from another atom. For example, in the compound sodium fluoride (NaF), the fluorine atom gains 1 electron from the sodium atom, giving it a -1 valency.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, fluorine, which has a valency of 1, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 1, such as hydrogen (H) or lithium (Li).

Valency of Neon

Neon valency is 0, this is because it has completely filled the outermost shell as it is a noble gas. As it is an inert gas and its electronic configuration is 1s2,2s2,2p6. All its orbital is full. Due to this Neon is the least reactive and there is no true compound of Neon has been synthesized.

Neon valency is zero because Neon is a noble, inert, and non-reactive gas.

Valency of Sodium

The valency of sodium is 1. This means that sodium needs to lose 1 electron to achieve a stable octet. Sodium has 1 valence electron, so it only needs to lose 1 electron to fill its outer shell.

In the sodium atom (Na), the 1 valence electron is located in the outermost shell. This electron is loosely held by the nucleus, so it is easily lost when sodium reacts with other atoms.

When sodium loses its valence electron, it becomes a positively charged ion (Na+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), the sodium atom loses its valence electron to the chlorine atom, forming a Na+ and Cl- ion. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, sodium, which has a valency of 1, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 1, such as chlorine (Cl) or fluorine (F).

Valency of Magnesium

The valency of magnesium is 2. This means that magnesium needs to lose 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Magnesium has 2 valence electrons, so it only needs to lose 2 electrons to fill its outer shell.

In the magnesium atom (Mg), the 2 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily lost when magnesium reacts with other atoms.

When magnesium loses its valence electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (Mg2+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound magnesium chloride (MgCl2), the magnesium atom loses its valence electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming a Mg2+ and 2 Cl- ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, magnesium, which has a valency of 2, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 2, such as oxygen (O) or sulfur (S).

Valency of Aluminium

The valency of aluminium is 3. This means that aluminium needs to lose 3 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Aluminium has 3 valence electrons, so it only needs to lose 3 electrons to fill its outer shell.

In the aluminium atom (Al), the 3 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily lost when aluminium reacts with other atoms.

When aluminium loses its valence electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (Al3+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound aluminium chloride (AlCl3), the aluminium atom loses its valence electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming a Al3+ and 3 Cl- ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

Aluminium can also form covalent bonds with other atoms, such as oxygen. In the compound aluminium oxide (Al2O3), each aluminium atom shares 3 electrons with 3 oxygen atoms, forming 3 covalent bonds. This gives each aluminium atom a complete octet of electrons.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, aluminium, which has a valency of 3, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 3, such as chlorine (Cl) or oxygen (O).

Valency of Silicon

The valency of silicon is 4. This means that silicon needs to share 4 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Silicon has 4 valence electrons, so it needs to share 4 electrons with other atoms to fill its outer shell.

In the silicon atom (Si), the 4 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily shared with other atoms.

Silicon can form covalent bonds with other atoms, such as oxygen. In the compound silicon dioxide (SiO2), each silicon atom shares 4 electrons with 2 oxygen atoms, forming 2 covalent bonds. This gives each silicon atom a complete octet of electrons.

Silicon can also form ionic bonds with other atoms, such as chlorine. In the compound silicon chloride (SiCl4), the silicon atom shares 4 electrons with 4 chlorine atoms, forming 4 covalent bonds. This gives each silicon atom a complete octet of electrons.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, silicon, which has a valency of 4, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 4, such as carbon (C) or oxygen (O).

Valency of Phosphorus

The valency of phosphorus can be 3 or 5. This means that phosphorus can gain 3 electrons or lose 5 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Phosphorus has 5 valence electrons, so it can either gain 3 electrons to fill its outer shell or lose 5 electrons to form a noble gas configuration.

In the phosphorus atom (P), the 5 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily gained or lost when phosphorus reacts with other atoms.

When phosphorus gains 3 electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (P3-). This ion is attracted to positively charged ions, such as sodium (Na+), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound sodium phosphide (Na3P), the phosphorus atom gains 3 electrons from the sodium atoms, forming a P3- and 3 Na+ ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

When phosphorus loses 5 electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (P5+). This ion is very unstable and does not exist in nature.

Phosphorus can also form covalent bonds with other atoms, such as oxygen. In the compound phosphorus pentoxide (P4O10), each phosphorus atom shares 5 electrons with 5 oxygen atoms, forming 5 covalent bonds. This gives each phosphorus atom a complete octet of electrons.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, phosphorus, which has a valency of 3 or 5, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 3 or 5, such as nitrogen (N) or sulfur (S).

Valency of Sulphur

The valency of sulfur can be 2, 4, or 6. This means that sulfur can gain 2 electrons, lose 4 electrons, or share 6 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Sulfur has 6 valence electrons, so it can either gain 2 electrons to fill its outer shell or lose 4 electrons to form a noble gas configuration. It can also share 6 electrons with other atoms to form a complete octet.

In the sulfur atom (S), the 6 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily gained, lost, or shared when sulfur reacts with other atoms.

When sulfur gains 2 electrons, it becomes a negatively charged ion (S2-). This ion is attracted to positively charged ions, such as calcium (Ca2+), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound calcium sulfide (CaS), the sulfur atom gains 2 electrons from the calcium atom, forming a S2- and Ca2+ ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

When sulfur loses 4 electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (S4+). This ion is very unstable and does not exist in nature.

Sulfur can also form covalent bonds with other atoms, such as oxygen. In the compound sulfur dioxide (SO2), each sulfur atom shares 4 electrons with 2 oxygen atoms, forming 2 double bonds. This gives each sulfur atom a complete octet of electrons.

In the compound sulfur trioxide (SO3), each sulfur atom shares 6 electrons with 3 oxygen atoms, forming 3 single bonds and 1 double bond. This gives each sulfur atom a complete octet of electrons.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, sulfur, which has a valency of 2, 4, or 6, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 2, 4, or 6, such as oxygen (O) or chlorine (Cl).

Valency of Chlorine

The valency of chlorine is 1. This means that chlorine needs to gain 1 electron to achieve a stable octet. Chlorine has 7 valence electrons, so it needs 1 more to fill its outer shell. It can only gain 1 electron from another atom, as it is the most electronegative element on the periodic table.

In the chlorine molecule (Cl2), each chlorine atom shares 1 electron with the other atom, forming a single bond. This gives each chlorine atom a complete octet of electrons.

In other compounds, chlorine can also have a valency of -1. This is when chlorine gains 1 electron from another atom. For example, in the compound sodium chloride (NaCl), the chlorine atom gains 1 electron from the sodium atom, giving it a -1 valency.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, chlorine, which has a valency of 1, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 1, such as hydrogen (H) or lithium (Li).

However, it is important to note that the valency of an atom can change depending on the compound it is in. For example, chlorine can have a valency of 0 in the compound HClO4, or a valency of 3 in the compound ClF3. The valency of an atom is determined by the number of electrons it needs to gain, lose, or share in order to achieve a stable octet.

Valency of Argon

The atomic number of argon is 10. Its electronic configuration is (2,8). The atom is stable as the outermost shell is complete, and the outer electron is 8. Also, argon belongs to the group of noble gases and its valance shells are completely filled as they have no tendency to lose or gain electrons. As a result, the valency of Argon is 0.

Valency of Potassium

The electronic configuration of Potassium is 2,8,8,1. Also, its valence shell has 1 electron. As a result, the valency of Potassium is 1.

Valency of Calcium

The valency of calcium is 2. This means that calcium needs to lose 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Calcium has 2 valence electrons, so it only needs to lose 2 electrons to fill its outer shell.

In the calcium atom (Ca), the 2 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily lost when calcium reacts with other atoms.

When calcium loses its valence electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (Ca2+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound calcium chloride (CaCl2), the calcium atom loses its valence electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming a Ca2+ and 2 Cl- ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, calcium, which has a valency of 2, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 2, such as oxygen (O) or sulfur (S).

Valency of Scandium

The valency of scandium is 3. This means that scandium can lose 3 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Scandium has 3 valence electrons, so it only needs to lose 3 electrons to fill its outer shell.

In the scandium atom (Sc), the 3 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily lost when scandium reacts with other atoms.

When scandium loses its valence electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (Sc3+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound scandium chloride (ScCl3), the scandium atom loses its valence electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming a Sc3+ and 3 Cl- ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

Scandium can also form covalent bonds with other atoms, such as oxygen. In the compound scandium oxide (Sc2O3), each scandium atom shares 3 electrons with 3 oxygen atoms, forming 3 covalent bonds. This gives each scandium atom a complete octet of electrons.

The valency of an atom is important in determining how it will react with other atoms. Atoms with the same valency will tend to form bonds with each other. For example, scandium, which has a valency of 3, will often form bonds with other atoms that also have a valency of 3, such as aluminum (Al) or boron (B).

However, it is important to note that the valency of an atom can change depending on the compound it is in. For example, scandium can have a valency of 2 in the compound Sc2O2, or a valency of 1 in the compound ScF3. The valency of an atom is determined by the number of electrons it needs to gain, lose, or share in order to achieve a stable octet.

Valency of Titanium

The valency of titanium can be 2 or 4. This means that titanium can lose 2 electrons or share 4 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Titanium has 4 valence electrons, so it can either lose 2 electrons to fill its outer shell or share 4 electrons with other atoms to form a complete octet.

In the titanium atom (Ti), the 4 valence electrons are located in the outermost shell. These electrons are loosely held by the nucleus, so they are easily lost or shared when titanium reacts with other atoms.

When titanium loses 2 electrons, it becomes a positively charged ion (Ti2+). This ion is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds. For example, in the compound titanium chloride (TiCl2), the titanium atom loses its valence electrons to the chlorine atoms, forming a Ti2+ and 2 Cl- ions. These ions are then attracted to each other by the electrostatic force, forming a stable compound.

When titanium shares 4 electrons with other atoms, it forms covalent bonds. For example, in the compound titanium dioxide (TiO2), each titanium atom shares 4 electrons with 2 oxygen atoms, forming 2 covalent bonds. This gives each titanium atom a complete octet of electrons.

Valency of Vanadium

The valency of vanadium can be 2, 3, or 4.

  • 2, when vanadium loses 2 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Vanadium has 5 valence electrons, so it only needs to lose 2 electrons to fill its outer shell.
  • 3, when vanadium loses 3 electrons to achieve a stable octet. Vanadium can also lose 3 electrons to form a trivalent ion, which is attracted to negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), to form ionic compounds.
  • 4, when vanadium shares 4 electrons with other atoms to form a complete octet. Vanadium can also share 4 electrons with other atoms, such as oxygen. For example, in the compound vanadium dioxide (V2O5), each vanadium atom shares 4 electrons with 2 oxygen atoms, forming 2 covalent bonds. This gives each vanadium atom a complete octet of electrons.

Valency of Chromium

the valency of chromium can be 2, 3, or 6. This means that chromium can lose 2 electrons, lose 3 electrons, or share 6 electrons to achieve a stable octet.

However, there is some debate about the valency of chromium. Some sources say that the valency of chromium is always 6 because it can only achieve a stable octet by sharing 6 electrons. Others say that the valency of chromium can be 2 or 3 because it can also achieve a stable octet by losing 2 or 3 electrons.

The valency of an atom is determined by the number of electrons it needs to gain, lose, or share in order to achieve a stable octet. Chromium has 6 valence electrons, so it can either lose 2 electrons to fill its outer shell, lose 3 electrons to form a trivalent ion or share 6 electrons with other atoms to form a complete octet.

Ultimately, the valency of chromium depends on the compound it is in. In some compounds, chromium will have a valency of 2, in others it will have a valency of 3, and in others, it will have a valency of 6.

Valency of Manganese

Manganese can have a variable valency, meaning that it can exhibit different oxidation states in its compounds. The most common valencies of manganese are +2, +4, and +7.

  • +2 valency is the most stable valency of manganese. It is found in compounds such as manganese(II) chloride (MnCl2) and manganese(II) oxide (MnO).
  • +4 valency is also common in manganese compounds. It is found in compounds such as manganese(IV) oxide (MnO2) and manganese(IV) chloride (MnCl4).
  • +7 valency is the least common valency of manganese. It is found in compounds such as permanganate (MnO4-).

The valency of manganese is determined by its electronic configuration. Manganese has the electron configuration [Ar]3d54s2, which means that it has 7 valence electrons. These electrons can be lost or shared to form bonds with other atoms.

The different valencies of manganese are due to the fact that the d orbitals in manganese are partially filled. This allows manganese to lose electrons from the s orbital or from the d orbitals, depending on the valence state that it is in.

In general, manganese prefers to form compounds with a +2 or +4 oxidation state. This is because these oxidation states give manganese a filled d orbital, which is a more stable electronic configuration. However, manganese can also form compounds with a +7 oxidation state, which is less stable but can be achieved if there are other factors that stabilize the compound.

Valency of Iron

The valency of iron is 2 and 3. This means that iron can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2 or +3.

The valency of an element is determined by the number of electrons that it can lose or share in order to form a bond with another atom. In the case of iron, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons in the 4s orbital and 6 electrons in the 3d orbital.

Iron can lose the 2 electrons in the 4s orbital to form a +2 ion. This is the most common valency of iron, and it is found in compounds such as iron(II) chloride (FeCl2) and iron(II) oxide (FeO).

Iron can also lose 3 electrons, 1 from the 4s orbital and 2 from the 3d orbital, to form a +3 ion. This is the less common valency of iron, and it is found in compounds such as iron(III) chloride (FeCl3) and iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3).

The different valencies of iron are due to the fact that the d orbitals in iron are partially filled. This allows iron to lose electrons from the s orbital or from the d orbitals, depending on the valence state that it is in.

In general, iron prefers to form compounds with a +2 or +3 oxidation state. This is because these oxidation states give the iron a filled d orbital, which is a more stable electronic configuration. However, iron can also form compounds with other oxidation states, such as +1 or +4.

Valency of cobalt

The valency of cobalt can be 2 or 3. This means that cobalt can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2 or +3.

The valency of an element is determined by the number of electrons that it can lose or share in order to form a bond with another atom. In the case of cobalt, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons in the 4s orbital and 7 electrons in the 3d orbital.

Cobalt can lose the 2 electrons in the 4s orbital to form a +2 ion. This is the most common valency of cobalt, and it is found in compounds such as cobalt(II) chloride (CoCl2) and cobalt(II) oxide (CoO).

Cobalt can also lose 3 electrons, 1 from the 4s orbital and 2 from the 3d orbital, to form a +3 ion. This is the less common valency of cobalt, and it is found in compounds such as cobalt(III) chloride (CoCl3) and cobalt(III) oxide (Co2O3).

The different valencies of cobalt are due to the fact that the d orbitals in cobalt are partially filled. This allows cobalt to lose electrons from the s orbital or from the d orbitals, depending on the valence state that it is in.

In general, cobalt prefers to form compounds with a +2 oxidation state. This is because this oxidation state gives cobalt a filled d orbital, which is a more stable electronic configuration. However, cobalt can also form compounds with other oxidation states, such as +1 or +4.

Here are some examples of compounds with different valencies of cobalt:

  • Cobalt(II) chloride (CoCl2) has a cobalt ion with a +2 charge.
  • Cobalt(III) chloride (CoCl3) has a cobalt ion with a +3 charge.
  • Cobalt(II) oxide (CoO) has a cobalt ion with a +2 charge.
  • Cobalt(III) oxide (Co2O3) has a cobalt ion with a +3 charge.

Valency of Nickel

The valency of nickel can be 2, 3, or 4. This means that nickel can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +3, or +4.

In the case of nickel, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons in the 4s orbital and 8 electrons in the 3d orbital.

The valency of nickel can be 2, 3, or 4. This means that nickel can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +3, or +4.

The valency of an element is determined by the number of electrons that it can lose or share in order to form a bond with another atom. In the case of nickel, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons in the 4s orbital and 8 electrons in the 3d orbital.

Nickel can lose the 2 electrons in the 4s orbital to form a +2 ion. This is the most common valency of nickel, and it is found in compounds such as nickel(II) chloride (NiCl2) and nickel(II) oxide (NiO).

Nickel can also lose 3 electrons, 1 from the 4s orbital and 2 from the 3d orbital, to form a +3 ion. This is less common valency of nickel, and it is found in compounds such as nickel(III) chloride (NiCl3) and nickel(III) oxide (Ni2O3).

Nickel can also lose 4 electrons, 2 from the 4s orbital and 2 from the 3d orbital, to form a +4 ion. This is the least common valency of nickel, and it is found in compounds such as nickel(IV) oxide (NiO2).

The different valencies of nickel are due to the fact that the d orbitals in nickel are partially filled. This allows nickel to lose electrons from the s orbital or from the d orbitals, depending on the valence state that it is in.

In general, nickel prefers to form compounds with a +2 oxidation state. This is because this oxidation state gives nickel a filled d orbital, which is a more stable electronic configuration. However, nickel can also form compounds with other oxidation states, such as +3 or +4.

Here are some examples of compounds with different valencies of nickel:

  • Nickel(II) chloride (NiCl2) has a nickel ion with a +2 charge.
  • Nickel(III) chloride (NiCl3) has a nickel ion with a +3 charge.
  • Nickel(II) oxide (NiO) has a nickel ion with a +2 charge.
  • Nickel(IV) oxide (NiO2) has a nickel ion with a +4 charge.

Valency of Copper

The valency of copper can be 1 or 2. This means that copper can form compounds in which it has a charge of +1 or +2. In the case of copper, the outermost electron shell has 1 electron in the 4s orbital and 10 electrons in the 3d orbital.

Copper can also lose 2 electrons, 1 from the 4s orbital and 1 from the 3d orbital, to form a +2 ion. This is less common valency of copper, and it is found in compounds such as copper(II) chloride (CuCl2) and copper(II) oxide (CuO).

The different valencies of copper are due to the fact that the d orbitals in copper are partially filled. This allows copper to lose electrons from the s orbital or from the d orbitals, depending on the valence state that it is in.

In general, copper prefers to form compounds with a +1 oxidation state. This is because this oxidation state gives copper a filled d orbital, which is a more stable electronic configuration. However, copper can also form compounds with a +2 oxidation state.

Here are some examples of compounds with different valencies of copper:

  • Copper(I) chloride (CuCl) has a copper ion with a +1 charge.
  • Copper(II) chloride (CuCl2) has a copper ion with a +2 charge.
  • Copper(I) oxide (Cu2O) has a copper ion with a +1 charge.
  • Copper(II) oxide (CuO) has a copper ion with a +2 charge.

Valency of Zn (Zinc)

The atomic number of Zinc is 30. The Valence shell contains 2 electrons. The electronic configuration of Zinc is 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 . As Zinc has 30 electrons, which is 28 in the first three wheels and 2 in the fourth.

In order to achieve an octet, it has to gain six or otherwise lose two electrons. There, it loses two electrons in the outermost shell and forms a 2+. As a result, Zinc has a Valency of two(2).

Valency of Ga (Gallium)

The Gallium is located in group 13. The electron configuration of ga is 4s, 4p and 3d. The 4s and 4p electrons can be lost in a chemical reaction. But 3d electrons stay. Therefore Gallium has three valence electrons.

Valency of Germanium

The valency of germanium is 4. This means that germanium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +4 or -4.

Germanium is a chemical element with the symbol Ge and atomic number 32. It is a member of the carbon family (group 14 of the periodic table), and it is a metalloid. Germanium is a hard, brittle, grayish-white solid that is chemically similar to silicon.

The valency of an element is the number of electrons that it can lose or gain in order to form a chemical bond. In the case of germanium, the outermost electron shell has 4 electrons. This means that germanium can lose the 4 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +4 ion, or it can gain 4 electrons to form a -4 ion.

Germanium is most commonly found in the +4 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as germanium dioxide (GeO2) and germanium tetrachloride (GeCl4). However, germanium can also form compounds in the -4 oxidation state, such as germanium monoxide (GeO) and germanium tetrahydride (GeH4).

The valency of germanium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +4 oxidation state is more stable than the -4 oxidation state, and this is why germanium is more likely to form compounds in the +4 oxidation state.

Valency of Aersenic

The valency of arsenic can be 3 or 5. This means that arsenic can form compounds in which it has a charge of +3 or +5.

Arsenic is a chemical element with the symbol As and atomic number 33. It is a member of the nitrogen family (group 15 of the periodic table), and it is a metalloid. Arsenic is a brittle, greyish-black solid that is chemically similar to phosphorus.

In the case of arsenic, the outermost electron shell has 5 electrons. This means that arsenic can lose the 5 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +5 ion, or it can gain 3 electrons to form a -3 ion.

Arsenic is most commonly found in the +3 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as arsenic trichloride (AsCl3) and arsenic trioxide (As2O3). However, arsenic can also form compounds in the +5 oxidation state, such as arsenic pentoxide (As2O5) and arsenic pentafluoride (AsF5).

The valency of arsenic is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +3 oxidation state is more stable than the +5 oxidation state, and this is why arsenic is more likely to form compounds in the +3 oxidation state.

The valency of arsenic can also be 2, but this is less common. Arsenic can form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as arsenic dichloride (AsCl2) and arsenic dioxide (As2O2). However, these compounds are less stable than the +3 and +5 oxidation states.

Valency of Selenium

The valency of selenium can be 2, 4, or 6. This means that selenium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +4, or +6.

Selenium is a chemical element with the symbol Se and atomic number 34. It is a member of the oxygen family (group 16 of the periodic table), and it is a nonmetal. Selenium is a brittle, grayish-black solid that is chemically similar to sulfur.

In the case of selenium, the outermost electron shell has 6 electrons. This means that selenium can lose the 6 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +6 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a -2 ion.

Selenium is most commonly found in the +4 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as selenium dioxide (SeO2) and selenium tetrachloride (SeCl4). However, selenium can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as selenium monochloride (SeCl) and selenium dioxide (SeO2). Selenium can also form compounds in the +6 oxidation state, such as selenium hexafluoride (SeF6) and selenium heptoxide (SeO7).

The valency of selenium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +4 oxidation state is more stable than the +2 or +6 oxidation states, and this is why selenium is more likely to form compounds in the +4 oxidation state.

Valency of Bromine

The valency of bromine can be 1 or 7. This means that bromine can form compounds in which it has a charge of +1 or -1.

Bromine is a chemical element with the symbol Br and atomic number 35. It is a member of the halogen family (group 17 of the periodic table), and it is a nonmetal. Bromine is a reddish-brown liquid that is chemically similar to chlorine.

In the case of bromine, the outermost electron shell has 7 electrons. This means that bromine can lose the 7 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +7 ion, or it can gain 1 electron to form a -1 ion.

Bromine is most commonly found in the -1 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as bromine monochloride (BrCl) and bromine water (Br2O). However, bromine can also form compounds in the +1 oxidation state, such as bromine monochloride (BrCl) and bromine trifluoride (BrF3).

The valency of bromine is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the -1 oxidation state is more stable than the +1 oxidation state, and this is why bromine is more likely to form compounds in the -1 oxidation state.

Valency of Krypton

The valency of krypton is zero. This means that krypton does not form bonds with other elements.

Krypton is a chemical element with the symbol Kr and atomic number 36. It is a member of the noble gas family (group 18 of the periodic table), and it is a nonmetal. Noble gases are chemically inert and do not react with other elements.

In the case of krypton, the outermost electron shell has 8 electrons. This means that krypton has a full valence shell and does not need to gain or lose electrons in order to be stable.

Krypton is a colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas that is found in the atmosphere. It is used in a variety of applications, including lighting, welding, and cryogenics.

Valency of Rubidium

The valency of rubidium is 1. This means that rubidium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +1.

Rubidium is a chemical element with the symbol Rb and atomic number 37. It is a member of the alkali metal family (group 1 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Alkali metals are highly reactive and easily lose electrons to form cations.

In the case of rubidium, the outermost electron shell has 1 electron. This means that rubidium can lose the 1 electron in the outermost shell to form a +1 ion.

Rubidium is most commonly found in the +1 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as rubidium chloride (RbCl) and rubidium hydroxide (RbOH). However, rubidium can also form compounds in the -1 oxidation state, such as rubidium hydride (RbH) and rubidium monoxide (RbO). However, these compounds are less stable than the +1 oxidation state.

Valency of Strontium

The valency of strontium is 2. This means that strontium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2.

Strontium is a chemical element with the symbol Sr and atomic number 38. It is a member of the alkaline earth metal family (group 2 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Alkaline earth metals are highly reactive and easily lose electrons to form cations.

In the case of strontium, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons. This means that strontium can lose the 2 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +2 ion.

Strontium is most commonly found in the +2 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as strontium chloride (SrCl2) and strontium hydroxide (Sr(OH)2). However, strontium can also form compounds in the +1 oxidation state, such as strontium hydride (SrH2) and strontium monoxide (SrO). However, these compounds are less stable than the +2 oxidation state.

Valency of Yttrium

The valency of yttrium is typically 3. This means that yttrium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +3.

Yttrium is a chemical element with the symbol Y and atomic number 39. It is a member of the lanthanide series (group 3 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Lanthanides are chemically similar to each other, and they often form compounds in the +3 oxidation state.

In the case of yttrium, the outermost electron shell has 3 electrons. This means that yttrium can lose the 3 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +3 ion.

Yttrium is most commonly found in the +3 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as yttrium chloride (YCl3) and yttrium oxide (Y2O3). However, yttrium can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as yttrium hydride (YH2) and yttrium monoxide (YO). However, these compounds are less stable than the +3 oxidation state.

In some cases, yttrium can have a valency of 1. However, this is less common.

Valency of Zirconium

The valency of zirconium can be 4 or 3. This means that zirconium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +4 or +3.

Zirconium is a chemical element with the symbol Zr and atomic number 40. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 4 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Transition metals are chemically versatile, and they can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states.

In the case of zirconium, the outermost electron shell has 4 electrons. This means that zirconium can lose the 4 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +4 ion, or it can gain 3 electrons to form a +3 ion.

Zirconium is most commonly found in the +4 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) and zirconium chloride (ZrCl4). However, zirconium can also form compounds in the +3 oxidation state, such as zirconium nitride (ZrN) and zirconium hydride (ZrH3).

The valency of zirconium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +4 oxidation state is more stable than the +3 oxidation state, and this is why zirconium is more likely to form compounds in the +4 oxidation state.

Valency of Niobium

The valency of niobium can be 2, 3, or 5. This means that niobium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +3, or +5.

Niobium is a chemical element with the symbol Nb and atomic number 41. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 5 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Transition metals are chemically versatile, and they can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states.

In the case of niobium, the outermost electron shell has 5 electrons. This means that niobium can lose the 5 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +5 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Niobium is most commonly found in the +5 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) and niobium pentachloride (NbCl5). However, niobium can also form compounds in the +3 oxidation state, such as niobium trichloride (NbCl3) and niobium nitride (NbN). Niobium can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as niobium monoxide (NbO) and niobium hydride (NbH2).

The valency of niobium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +5 oxidation state is more stable than the +3 or +2 oxidation states, and this is why niobium is more likely to form compounds in the +5 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that niobium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that niobium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of Molybdenum

The valency of molybdenum can be 2, 3, 4, or 6. This means that molybdenum can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +3, +4, or +6.

Molybdenum is a chemical element with the symbol Mo and atomic number 42. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 6 of the periodic table), and it is a metal. Transition metals are chemically versatile, and they can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states.

In the case of molybdenum, the outermost electron shell has 6 electrons. This means that molybdenum can lose the 6 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +6 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Molybdenum is most commonly found in the +6 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) and molybdenum hexachloride (MoCl6). However, molybdenum can also form compounds in the +4 oxidation state, such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and molybdenum carbonyl (Mo(CO)6). Molybdenum can also form compounds in the +3 oxidation state, such as molybdenum trichloride (MoCl3) and molybdenum nitride (MoN).

The valency of molybdenum is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +6 oxidation state is more stable than the +4 or +3 oxidation states, and this is why molybdenum is more likely to form compounds in the +6 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that molybdenum is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that molybdenum exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of technetium

The valency of technetium can be 2, 4, or 6. This means that technetium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +4, or +6.

Technetium is a chemical element with the symbol Tc and atomic number 43. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 7 of the periodic table), and it is a radioactive metal.

In the case of technetium, the outermost electron shell has 6 electrons. This means that technetium can lose the 6 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +6 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Technetium is most commonly found in the +4 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as technetium tetrachloride (TcCl4) and technetium dioxide (TcO2). However, technetium can also form compounds in the +6 oxidation state, such as technetium hexafluoride (TcF6) and technetium hexachloride (TcCl6). Technetium can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as technetium disulfide (TcS2) and technetium hydride (TcH2).

The valency of technetium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +6 oxidation state is more stable than the +4 or +2 oxidation states, and this is why technetium is more likely to form compounds in the +6 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that technetium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that technetium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of Ruthenium (Ru)

Ruthenium has 8 valence electrons. The total number of electrons in RU is 44. Its atomic number is 44.

Its atomic weight is 101.07. Its melting point is 2,250° C (4,082° F). Its boiling point is 3,900° C (7,052° F). Its specific gravity is 12.30 (20° C).

Ruthenium valence is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Also, its electron configuration is 2-8-18-15-1 or (Kr)4d75s1.

Valency of Rhodium

The valency of rhodium can be 2, 3, or 4. This means that rhodium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2, +3, or +4.

Rhodium is a chemical element with the symbol Rh and atomic number 45. It is a member of the platinum group metals (group 9 of the periodic table), and it is a transition metal.

In the case of rhodium, the outermost electron shell has 9 electrons. This means that rhodium can lose the 9 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +9 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Rhodium is most commonly found in the +3 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as rhodium chloride (RhCl3) and rhodium trioxide (Rh2O3). However, rhodium can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as rhodium hydride (RhH2) and rhodium monoxide (RhO). Rhodium can also form compounds in the +4 oxidation state, such as rhodium tetrachloride (RhCl4) and rhodium dioxide (RhO2).

The valency of rhodium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +3 oxidation state is more stable than the +2 or +4 oxidation states, and this is why rhodium is more likely to form compounds in the +3 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that rhodium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that rhodium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of palladium

The valency of palladium can be 2 or 4. This means that palladium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2 or +4.

Palladium is a chemical element with the symbol Pd and atomic number 46. It is a member of the platinum group metals (group 10 of the periodic table), and it is a transition metal.

In the case of palladium, the outermost electron shell has 10 electrons. This means that palladium can lose the 10 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +10 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Palladium is most commonly found in the +2 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as palladium chloride (PdCl2) and palladium oxide (PdO). However, palladium can also form compounds in the +4 oxidation state, such as palladium tetrachloride (PdCl4) and palladium dioxide (PdO2).

The valency of palladium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +2 oxidation state is more stable than the +4 oxidation state, and this is why palladium is more likely to form compounds in the +2 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that palladium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that palladium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of Silver

The valency of silver is 1 or 2. This means that silver can form compounds in which it has a charge of +1 or +2.

Silver is a chemical element with the symbol Ag and atomic number 47. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 11 of the periodic table), and it is a soft, white, lustrous metal.

In the case of silver, the outermost electron shell has 1 electron. This means that silver can lose the 1 electron in the outermost shell to form a +1 ion, or it can gain 2 electrons to form a +2 ion.

Silver is most commonly found in the +1 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as silver chloride (AgCl) and silver nitrate (AgNO3). However, silver can also form compounds in the +2 oxidation state, such as silver oxide (Ag2O) and silver sulfide (Ag2S).

The valency of silver is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +1 oxidation state is more stable than the +2 oxidation state, and this is why silver is more likely to form compounds in the +1 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that silver is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that silver exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of Cadmium

The valency of cadmium is 2. This means that cadmium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +2.

Cadmium is a chemical element with the symbol Cd and atomic number 48. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 12 of the periodic table), and it is a soft, silvery-white metal.

In the case of cadmium, the outermost electron shell has 2 electrons. This means that cadmium can lose the 2 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +2 ion.

Cadmium is most commonly found in the +2 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and cadmium oxide (CdO). However, cadmium can also form compounds in the +1 oxidation state, such as cadmium hydride (CdH2) and cadmium monoxide (CdO).

The valency of cadmium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +2 oxidation state is more stable than the +1 oxidation state, and this is why cadmium is more likely to form compounds in the +2 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that cadmium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that cadmium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

Valency of Indium

The valency of indium can be 1 or 3. This means that indium can form compounds in which it has a charge of +1 or +3.

Indium is a chemical element with the symbol In and atomic number 49. It is a member of the transition metal series (group 13 of the periodic table), and it is a soft, silvery-white metal.

In the case of indium, the outermost electron shell has 3 electrons. This means that indium can lose the 3 electrons in the outermost shell to form a +3 ion, or it can gain 1 electron to form a +1 ion.

Indium is most commonly found in the +3 oxidation state, and it forms compounds such as indium chloride (InCl3) and indium oxide (In2O3). However, indium can also form compounds in the +1 oxidation state, such as indium hydride (InH3) and indium monoxide (InO).

The valency of indium is an important factor in its chemical properties. For example, the +3 oxidation state is more stable than the +1 oxidation state, and this is why indium is more likely to form compounds in the +3 oxidation state.

However, it is important to note that indium is a very versatile element, and it can form compounds in a variety of oxidation states. The valency that indium exhibits in a particular compound will depend on the other elements in the compound and the conditions under which the compound is formed.

118 elements with symbols and valencies PDF

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2 years ago

Amazing ??

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.
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