What is rectification in electronics?


The process of converting alternating current into the direct current is called Rectification. There are two types of rectifiers, one is a half-wave rectifier and the other is a full-wave rectifier.

Half-wave Rectifier Circuit

The circuit consists of a transformer, a p-n junction diode, and a resistor. In a half-wave rectifier circuit, either a positive half or the negative half of the AC input is passed into while the other half is blocked.

Only one-half of the input wave reaches the output. Therefore, it is called a half-wave rectifier. Here p-n junction diode acts as a rectifying diode. The efficiency of the Half wave rectifier is 40.6%

Full Wave Rectifier

The positive and negative half cycles of the AC input signal pass through the full-wave rectifier circuit and are called a full-wave rectifier.

It consists of two p-n junction diodes, a centre tapped transformer, and a load resistor (RL). The efficiency of a full-wave rectifier is twice the half-wave rectifier which is 81.2%. It is due to positive and negative cycles being rectified.

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.