Women’s rights issues today in India Upsc

Social injustice to Women

Social injustice to Women

Social injustice to Women happens every day in every place in the world. Women were subjected to discrimination and inequality. They most often face violence, abuse, and unequal treatment at the workplace, home, and public places.

In the wider and ancient communities like Indian Society, they are denied opportunities to learn, earn and lead a respectable life. This kind of treatment to women not only those who live in poverty but also happens in the upper classes.

Injustice to women seems to have no boundaries and many women shy away from reporting the crimes due to social stigma and a weak justice system.

38% of all murders of women are done by intimate partners and globally 35% of women have experienced physical or sexual violence.

Examples of Social Injustice

Some of the numerous issues faced by girls or women around the world are Women’s reproductive rights, Girl child trafficking, Sex Slave, Prostitution, Armed Conflict, Domestic Violence, Decision making, deprivation of Education and opportunities, etc.

In Countries like India, the girl child is denied an education and forced into early marriage. These injustices thus prevent them from reaching their dreams, goals, or their full potential in their career.

Social injustice to Women

 Current women’s issues

The current might include Reproductive rights such as legal abortion, effective birth control, and other Contraception. In most countries, women are denied education on reproductive health and sex.

Economic injustice includes the difference in salary for women for the same job done by men. Usually, men get more salaries. Also, most companies recruit more men than women. There is gender inequality present in most companies around women.

LGBTQIA+ Rights is a long-trending issue that women face around the world. In most countries, Homosexual relationships, lesbian, gay intercourse, and marriage are banned. The world has seen these relationships as their personal choice or preference and not to be seen as crimes.

Dowry menace

Dowry is money, gold ornaments, estates that the woman brings during a marriage. Dowry is a gift that is demanded, as per condition for marriage. It should be provided from the girl’s side to the boy’s side.

Dowry Prohibition Act 1961

In 1961, the Government of India passed Dowry Prohibition Act. By this act making the dowry demands is illegal.

Section 304 B

This act is related to death caused due to Dowry.

This section enables to provide punishment not less than 7 years when women within 7 years of marriage had burns or bodily injury due to cruelty or harassment by her husband or his relative in connection with Dowry.

It is a non-available offense. Section 406 and Section 498 A are some sections related to Dowry offense


How to support women? Gender Equality is Social Justice

Women actually hold a vital role in social, economic, and political issues in society. They have achieved great success in terms of enhancing the quality of life of society by developing themselves and also developing their family, community, and their country.

The Commitment to Women’s rights will eliminate gender-based economic and social discrimination. Leaders such as Periyar fought for women’s rights in Tamil Nadu. His agitation includes giving women in the position of power, against Patriarchy, sexism, racism, and economic inequality.

Gender equality is a matter of social justice, it allows equal access to opportunities, rights, education, etc. Gender equality also makes society more secure.

Also, women’s rights are human rights. Yes, they are human beings, they have the right to live, free from violence, discrimination and to enjoy good physical and mental health, education, and the right to own their property.

Current Trends

The current trends in feminism are called Fourth-wave feminism is a feminist movement that started around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on women empowerment using internet tools and intersectionality.


Access to justice is important in the fight to end injustice against women. Also, women’s leadership is important and crucial in achieving a more equal society.

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* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.
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